Friday, July 1, 2011

July Card Class

Make 8 cards and 8 matching lined envelopes for only $20 dollars.

July 27

Friday, May 15, 2009

RV Makeover

We went down to Vancouver, WA to an RV furniture store that was closing and scored some really pretty new RV furniture. The RV is getting a makeover to an updated look. Gary is putting a new paint job on it that is luckily costing us nothing but to the average joe it could very well be a 10 thousand dollar paint job. I also bough new bedding to go with the new furniture and I will be covering some dining chairs in an microfiber to match as well. The chairs were tossed in for free when we bought the new furniture because they were pretty much just pieces and parts. The will be awesome once I recover them and put them back together. The paint job should be completed this weekend and then we will have to bolt in the new furniture for our Memorial weekend camping trip to the East.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May Flowers

It took me two weeks but I finally finished weeding the flower bed along the sidewalk in the front of the house.

I love these Blue Bell flowers. I planted them a couple of years ago from bulbs the neighbor gave me. She had dug them up out of her yard because she didn't like them. Each year they seem to come back in the spring more beautiful than the year before. This flower actually seems to grow wild here in WA. We have an area in the front of our house that seperates our street into to two and they grow in there. One of these days I will take my bucket and go did some more bulbs up before the city comes and mows them down. I have been hesitant because we have this cranky old lady that comes out of her house to yell at anyone that picks a leaf off a tree. She needs to get a life.

I would like to plant bunches of these in the back yard and up against the house too.

Monday, May 11, 2009

ARGH!! Stupid Jogger

This morning I am heading to work on my usual route. Pulled up to the corner of the two lane street to make a right hand turn. I am looking left to wait for traffic to clear, the bus passes and the lane is open so I start to pull out to make my right hand turn. All of a sudden there is a jogger in front of me, she puts her hand out and swerves away from my car. She actually touched my car.

What the hell? She starts screaming at me like it is my fault that she ran out in front of my car and I nearly ran her over. As she was screaming at me I mouthed the words "sorry" but as I drove down the street, it took everything I had not to turn back around, find her and get out of my car and scream at her...."where do you get off screaming at me when you clearly ran out in front of my car...are you stupid? You should have waited until I turned, until I acknowledged that I saw you and waved you on to go in front of me, or ran BEHIND my car so you didn't get run over."

I never even saw her because I was watching the traffic to the left for a clearing so I could "SAFELY" pull out into traffic. Unsuspecting that a person would dart out in front of me from the right--- off of the sidewalk......I was so aggrivated.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Crazy Cat

I came home one day from work to find our cat HOBO sleeping on top of my bird condo that fell over. We have never actually had any birds move into it, I can only speculate why.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Princess of Darkness

I know I am taking a chance at posting this picture, but I just can't help it. Kayla uploaded her pictures onto my computer so I snachted one I thought was nice. She is so beautiful and so photogenic I just have to share. I don't know if this is one she snapped of herself but I would assume it is.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Day

Grandma and Auntie Roe brought over Easter Baskets for the Girls. Nyah is inspecting hers very carefully.